Hairy Horror: What You Should Know To Reduce Hairball Hazards In Your Cat

If you share your life with cats, you have likely been presented with an unwanted gift from your feline friends: a trichobizoar. Better known to you as a hairball, you may be familiar with the retching sounds that precede the expulsion of one. You may have had the distinct displeasure of inadvertently stepping on one of these wads of slimy hair during barefoot season. Although hairballs are not uncommon feline phenomena, hairballs can lead to a serious health complication. [Read More]

4 Things Rabbit Owners Need To Know About Sticky Bottom

Sticky bottom is a serious condition that affects rabbits. It occurs when your rabbit's fur gets caked with soft fecal droppings. Here are four things you need to know about sticky bottom. What are the signs of sticky bottom? Sticky bottom is a very obvious condition. If your rabbit has it, you'll notice that they have soft fecal matter caked onto their fur. This will make your rabbit smell quite bad. [Read More]

4 Tips For Helping Your Pet Recover After Surgery

Going through surgery can be tough on any pet. This is why it is so important to be sure that they recover properly and without any other issues. The recovery process for pets is delicate because your pet won't be able to tell you if something is wrong, but they will be able to show some signs. Here are four tips to help you help your pet have a successful recovery: [Read More]

Dealing With Nightshade And Chickens

There is quite a bit of confusion about nightshade and whether it is poisonous to chickens. Part of the confusion is that there are thousands of species of nightshade, including some that have edible fruit. Many chicken owners wonder if it is safe even having any variety of nightshade around their home. Others wonder if it's safe to feed their chickens nightshade fruits and vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes and eggplant. [Read More]