3 Benefits Of Peanut Butter For Dogs
There are many different foods and treats that your dog will enjoy. Unfortunately, some of these treats are not actually healthy choices for your dog. Peanut butter is an excellent choice for your dog for many reasons. Giving your dog peanut butter offers many benefits that may surprise you. Here are a few benefits of peanut butter for your dog.
1. Vitamins
Peanut butter can be used as a vitamin supplement, but it is important to choose the right type of peanut butter.
How To Determine If Your Cat Has A Fever
Finding out that your cat has a fever can be a scary thing, but it's imperative that if your cat has a fever that you recognize the signs and symptoms of one. Unfortunately, many pet parents mistakenly believe that they can detect a cat's fever via a variety of methods that aren't that effective. Here is what does and doesn't work in determining if your cat has a fever, as well as what is considered a fever for cats.
Getting Your Guinea Pig Neutered? 3 Ways To Make Them Comfortable
A great way to make sure that your guinea pig lives a long and healthy life is through getting them neutered when they are younger. Not only can neutering help prevent potential diseases and cancers from affecting your guinea pig, it can also help prevent behavioral issues and give your male guinea pig a better temperament. Keeping your male guinea pig with females is also an option once neutering is done, providing you with more options for companionship with your guinea pig.
Incision Inspector: What You Need To Look For While Your Dog Heals From Her Spay Surgery
If your dog is coming home from the hospital following her ovariohysterectomy, or spay, it is going to be up to you, her loving pet parent, to make sure that she heals quickly and uneventfully. Part of your nursing duties includes making a visual inspection of her incision every morning and every evening during her recovery period. Knowing what to look for will enable you to address potential complications before they can become serious.
Canine Ear Infections: A Nuisance And A Danger For Your Furry Friend
Has your dog been shaking his or her hear head or rubbing it on the floor or ground? Has he or she been scratching her ears incessantly or are the ears red and inflamed or have a foul odor? Summer is a prime time for ear infections, and if you notice any of these signs, your pup may be a victim.
Inflamed ears or ear infections have many causes. They can be due to food or environmental allergies, which change the ear environment or cause severe itching that causes trauma to the ear.
Does Your Kitten Need Their Vaccinations? Use These Tips To Keep Them Calm
Most cats are not excited about a trip to the vet, and if they have to have vaccinations, they are even more unhappy. They might hiss and attempt to scratch anyone and everyone. If you're able to keep your kitten as calm as possible before their vaccinations, they may handle things a little better. Here are some tips you can use to help your kitten remain calm when they need their shots.
Protecting Your Pets From Summer Heat
While you want your pet to share in all the fun times with the family this summer, you must remember that pets can suffer from some of the same negative effects of heat as their owners.
Pets may suffer even more from the heat because of the way their bodies respond to compensate for the rise in their body temperature as well as from their other unique physical features.
The actions of their owners, while they may be based on good intentions, can also be a factor in causing their pet to come to harm from the sweltering heat of summer.
4 Common Allergies In Cats
Allergies are not just something humans are affected by, but cats as well. If you have cats in your home, you need to be aware of the different types of things they can be allergic to. This will keep them healthy and allow you to reduce the exposure to these allergens.
One of the most common types of allergies for cats is to a type of food. There are certain ingredients in your cat's food that might be causing coughing, sneezing, and other side effects of allergies.
Helping Your Arthritic Cat To Have A Comfortable Life
Your senior cat walks stiffly and doesn't jump up on the sofa quite as often as before. Arthritis in their joints makes moving painful sometimes. By working with your veterinarian to come up with a plan of traditional and alternative animal therapy, you can help your feline companion to have a comfortable life for their remaining years. Here are a few approaches to consider when helping your aging kitty to have a more pleasant life.
Essential Tips For Pad Training Dogs
If you have dogs that either don't like going outside or have injuries that makes it difficult for them to walk long distances, you might wan to pad train them indoors. This is also a good option if you live in a high rise apartment building and you don't want the dog to have to hold it while you are on the elevator or going down the stairs. Here are some tips for pad training your dogs.