
Caring For A Young, Motherless Kitten

If you have found yourself in the position of caring for a kitten that's too young to be away from its mother, then that leaves you in the position of playing mommy to that baby. There is a specific way you need to care for a young kitten in order to keep it healthy and thriving. This article will walk you through the process of caring for a new kitten.

4 Things Rabbit Owners Need To Know About Encephalitozoonosis

Encephalitozoonosis is a serious fungal disease that can lead to paralysis in rabbits. Here are four things you need to know about it. What causes encephalitozoonosis? Encephalitozoonosis is caused by encephalitozoon cuniculi, a type of fungi. Rabbits contract the infection by ingesting something that is contaminated with the fungi. The fungi then travels through their gastrointestinal tract and into their blood stream before ending up their kidneys. In the kidneys, the fungi replicate and are released into the urine.

4 Things Rabbit Owners Need To Know About Fly Strike

Fly strike is a serious disease that can affect your pet rabbit. It occurs when flies lay eggs beneath your rabbit's skin. When the eggs hatch and turn into maggots, they begin eating your furry friend. Here are four things you need to know about this scary disease. What are the signs of fly strike? The signs of fly strike can be easy to miss. The only clue that something is wrong may be that your rabbit isn't interested in their food, water, or toys anymore.

5 Steps To Managing A Pet's Seizure

Whether it's your pet's first seizure or not, witnessing your pet convulsing helplessly can be terrifying for a pet owner. Unfortunately, it's easy to make mistakes when you're frightened. Commit these five steps to memory, and you'll be able to handle a pet seizure in the right way without making a bad situation worse. Recognize The Early Symptoms Cats and dogs typically convulse during seizures, but convulsions aren't the only symptoms they may experience.

Your Hyperactive Cat May Be Fighting A Thyroid Tumor

You may laugh when your older cat races through the house like a kitten. But then you realize that they never seem to calm down. Your cat may be facing hyperthyroidism caused by a tumor in the thyroid gland. A common occurrence in cats, this disease can be treated so your cat will live a long and more peaceful life. Here is what you need to know about hyperthyroidism in cats and how your veterinarian can help your cat.

Could Your Dog Be Pregnant? Why You Need To See A Vet ASAP

If you think that your dog may be pregnant and you aren't sure how long she has been with puppies or what type of care she needs, it's best to get her to the veterinarian. Many people think that a dog can resume eating a regular diet and that extra care isn't needed, but this is far from the truth. You'll want the veterinarian to do some blood work and to do an ultrasound for your dog's safety and so that you can figure out a few different things.

Feline Leukemia Virus: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, And Prevention

It's likely that you've heard of FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus), but there's another lesser known retroviral disease that infects cats called FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus). If you have a cat, it's important that you know about this disease, how it spreads, its symptoms, and how it can best be prevented. What Is the Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV)? While the name is misleading, Feline Leukemia Virus isn't actually leukemia, a cancer that infects the blood cells.

4 Things Rabbit Owners Need To Know About Tularemia

Tularemia is a very infectious disease that can affect your pet rabbit. Here are four things you need to know about tularemia. How does tularemia spread? Tuleramia is caused by francisella tularensis bacteria. The natural reservoirs of this bacteria include wild rabbits, rodents, deer, and some types of birds. Direct contact with these infected animals can lead to tularemia. The bacteria can also spread through vectors like ticks or mosquitoes. Finally, the bacteria can also survive in water, soil, or grasses.

Animal Safety: 5 Plants You May Love But That Are Toxic to Your Pets

Some pet owners don't realize it, but there are certain household plants, garden plants, flower plants, and wild plants that are extremely harmful to their pets' health. To ensure your pet's health and safety, here are five plants that you'll want to avoid planting or at least put a barrier around to keep your pets away: 1. Aloe Vera Plant While you may have an aloe vera plant around the house to help aid burns when they occur, the problem is that the plant is very toxic to your pet.

Vaccinating Pets: The Controversy Is Real

In the news, you can almost always find people who are anti vaccinating their children, just as you can find articles that are completely for vaccinations. However, what many people do not realize is the vaccination arguments go well beyond children. There are also controversies on whether animals should also receive vaccinations. Some veterinarians have come to believe that the vaccinations have become overkill, and led to cancers and allergies.